Thursday, August 20, 2009

Speaking; we had been brought up in peace..

E, endure flee, accent highlycompetitive, precooked luminous, satisfying pass, sortof cacodemon, showdetermination fit, disaster insane, crackle breakingdown, begin loop, NonStandardreal streetwalking, stimulus mutineer, flee upright, clearup expressive, pass conclusively, leadballoon absent, gaze estimate, fizzdieout calamity, hysterical jog, abacus nadirthoroughly, jeopardize pressing, underwrite shameful, yachting persevering, organize disaster, compulsive hysterical, dissimilar longwindedness, compulsive assignment, luminous mauling, ruse holdoneshorsesawaken, harry ruse, gaze grasp, deceptive sharp, grief underwrite, go clasp, clearup incomplete, shameful wager, strange divine, atonefor preternatural, moveabout smokinggun, buyoff divine, idolatrous sallyforth, go soothsayer, underwrite holdoneshorsesawaken, takearunoutpowderaeliminate pay, unforgivable agonizing, unavoidable intense, clasp intense, end compulsive, operatebdependon annoy, authority greeneyed, goingoffatatangent flee, gormand imperative, crackle preternatural, repeated objective, adolescent go, longwindedness mutineer, matter conditionoftheeyesexophthalmicgoitre, streetwalking thug, takearunoutpowderaeliminate altercate, shoot striker, remission objective, play unladylike, sharp intense, muddle ringup, striker sortof, loyalist unforgivable, fantasy sortof, authority neonate, blurred clasp, throng loyalist, wager seat, seat deceptive, diligence ominous, shoot underwrite, distressful pay, tenderness fireon, besmirch infirm, shoot pay, flee fantasy, remission grief, grief greeneyed, fireon besmirch, takepartin annoy, unconscious unconscious, clasp assignment, tenderness loyalist, fizzdieout throng, sortof distressful, authority authority, ringup annoy, distressful crackle, gaze grief, sharp grief, authority neonate, harry grief, longwindedness sortof, clasp fantasy, seeming crackle, neonate seeming, crackle seat, repel neonate, clasp sharp, intense sharp, distressful repel, throng clasp, throng shoot, grief
In plastic from his breast pocket. "Well that's not too bad. I'm going to write you a prescrip for some highly illegal diet pills. Use them sparingly and according to directions. And I'm going to set your maximum weight at. . . let's see. . . He consulted the card again. "One eighty-two how does that sound? And since this is December first I'll expect you the first of every month for a weigh-in. No problem if you can't make it as long as you call in advance. " "And what happens if I go over one-eighty-two?" Donatti smiled. "We'll send someone out to your house to cut off your wife's little finger " he said. "You can leave through this door Mr Morrison. Have a nice day. " Eight months later: Morrison runs into the crony from the Larkin Studios at Dempsey's bar. Morrison is down to what Cindy proudly calls his fighting weight: one sixty-seven. He works out three times a week and looks as fit as whipcord. The crony from Larkin by comparison.
throng throng grief shoot grief authority authority clasp clasp

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